To explore your total value gained, select the value drivers below. For accuracy, all fields are mandatory.

Inventory Management ROI Calculator

Calculate your potential savings from auto-replenishment with eTurns TrackStock

Step 1 of 2:

How do you want to replenish your stockroom?

  • TrackStock Replenish
  • Scan to order or count items with a mobile app
  • TrackStock Manage
  • Scan to order or count items with a mobile app
  • Scan to track usage. Auto-replenish
  • TrackStock Optimize
  • Scan to order or count items with a mobile app
  • Scan to track usage. Auto-replenish
  • Optimize Inventory with min/max analytics.
  • TrackStock Optimize with SensorBins
  • Scan to order or count items with a mobile app
  • Scan to track usage. Auto-replenish
  • Optimize Inventory with min/max analytics.
  • Use weight sensors to track usage
Step 2 of 2:

What do you currently spend on inventory tracking and replenishment? (Per Stockroom)

Labor for Counting
How many inventory checks per month are done for this stockroom?
How much time does it take for each inventory check? (in hours)
How long does it take to travel roundtrip to the account to do the inventory check?

Purchase Orders
How many POs are created each month for this stockroom?

How many stockouts occur each month in this stockroom?
How long does a stockout usally last? (in hours)
What is the cost per hour of a stockout?

Expedited Shipments
How many rush shipments per month for this stockroom?
What is the cost of a rush shipment?

Inventory Value
What is the average book value of this stockroom's inventory?

Carrying Costs
What is your company's carrying costs of inventory? (averages between 25-55%)

If you carry overstock in order to avoid stockouts, what is the value of that overstock? (0 if unknown or doesn't apply)

Expired Items
What is the value of your expired items each month in this stockroom? (0 if unknown or doesn't apply)

What percent of this stockroom inventory do you lose each month in shrinkage? (average is 1-35%)
How many hours per month are spent calculating shrinkage for this stockroom?

Sales Productivity
What is the average value of new sales lost per month while doing manual counts in this stockroom?
What is the average gross margin for the company on these sales? (averages 10-40%)

How many bins of items do you want to manage with SensorBins?

Calculate My Savings


Employee wages:
PO costs:
Percent reduction in POs:
Percent of labor saved with scanning:
Estimated inventory savings from optimization:
Average cost per SensorBin:
Percent of labor saved with SensorBins:
Percent reduction in stockouts with Optimize with SensorBins:
Software Pricing (per mo./per room)
TrackStock Replenish:
TrackStock Manage:
TrackStock Optimize:
Percent reduction in stockouts with Manage:
Percent reduction in stockouts with Optimize:

SensorBins for Hands-free Inventory Optimization

How many items do you want to manage with SensorBins?

Total Estimated Monthly Savings


eTurns will pay for itself in....

0 days

2 YR ROI (%)


eTurns could save you $.... in one time inventory reduction

eTurns could save you $.... in annual carrying costs

Results based on reported averages for Industrial Manufacturer PO costs1, Electrician Salary/benefits in SF Bay Area2
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Please fill out this form to download your customized ROI results
showing your potential savings with the TrackStock Replenishment App.