TrackStock for Medical Inventory

Track usage and optimize replenishment of medical supplies

Reorder your medical and dental supplies from any distributor faster with the TrackStock scanning app or electronic shelf labels 

Track usage and optimize replenishment of medical supplies
Use cutting-edge technology to replenish

Use cutting-edge technology to replenish

TrackStock opens the door to total automation of your inventory replenishment. Our software is integrated with SensorBins, RFID towers, and electronic shelf labels that do the work for you so you can dramatically reduce the labor costs associated with tracking usage and keeping inventory replenished.

Use electronic shelf labels (eLabels)  with re-order buttons you push to trigger replenishment

Use RFID towers to do digital kanban

Use SensorBins to do physical inventory counts on demand and auto-order when minimum thresholds are breached

"We onboarded just under 1000 items and are adding more daily. eTurns customer service has gone above and beyond. TrackStock has decreased from 1 week to 1 day the time it takes us to do monthly physical inventory counts."

Jennifer Maher

Assistant Business Manager, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Take TrackStock for a spin - try it FREE for 30 days.

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Manage your healthcare supplies with accuracy & speed.

Watch our video to learn more about how your clinic or lab can gain inventory replenishment efficiencies.


“Since eTurns gives me a report on the cost of supply utilization for each surgical day plus total usage per month, I am able to keep a pulse on our net surgical profit consistently and without burning up too much of my time. It is great to track all procedure material costs as well as our real-time inventory status and value. Since our inventory manager is now 30% more efficient with his time, I can have him spend additional time focusing on the other qualities that make FastMD unique."

Lindsey W.

COO of FastMD

Right supplies. Right place. Right time.

Right supplies. Right place. Right time.

The TrackStock app helps you track usage, set min/max levels, and trigger digital orders to any supplier for auto-replenishment. TrackStock's powerful reporting and analytics make it easy to have your inventory management practices support the profitability and efficiency goals of your business.

Avoid stockouts with min/max settings that trigger auto-replenishment

See stock levels of supplies in real-time across your stockrooms

Track expiration dates and lot numbers to limit waste

Requisition supplies needed for future demand such as surgeries

Optimize inventory levels to reduce inventory and carrying costs by up to 73%

Digitize your purchase orders to eliminate paperwork and reduce costs

Reorder directly from Amazon or any other supplier with our easy scanning app

Global Hope Testimonial

"Global HOPE is using TrackStock to remotely track usage of the medical supplies and medicines we send to our facilities in Africa. TrackStock gives us the ability to deliver customized reports to our donors about how we are using their donations. It also helps us track lot numbers and expiration dates of the supplies. The app streamlines the entire replenishment process of tracking, ordering, reviewing, approving, purchasing, receiving, and reporting, all remotely from Texas!"

Derek Brown

Global HOPE Childrens' Hospital


Let TrackStock optimize your inventory replenishment!

Please contact us to learn more about eTurns TrackStock. We'll set you up with a risk-free 30-day trial.