Know someone that could benefit from eTurns? We're happy to pay a 10% referral fee for new customers.
Are you an ERP or reseller with customers who want to optimize inventory and digitize replenishment? We offer up to 30% ongoing subscription revenue.
Our network of technology partners allows us to customize the best auto-replenishment solution for each customer point-of-use. Join us.
Earn generous subscription revenue from eTurns as you give your customers the app they need to digitize point-of-use replenishment, get real-time visibility, and cut costs related to procurement and unoptimized inventory. We can support you with a dedicated team, a compelling ROI calculator, and helpful product resources.
Border States is thrilled to partner with eTurns for our VMI needs. eTurns' commitment to maintaining their position as leader in this space and excellent support made them an obvious choice!
Cedrick Phillips
Director of Services, Border States